Monday, February 13, 2012

If You're Reading This...

Author’s Note: In the story of Jekyll and Hyde there was a lot of talk about a letter that was written by Hyde. The only thing that popped into my head when I read the word “letter” was the letters that soldiers write to their families in the case that they don’t get the opportunity to come home, so I wrote a letter like that.

I hoped with all of my might that this letter would never be delivered to our door, but If you're reading this, it happened. I’m gone. But please honey, don’t think that this was a mistake. No matter what happens, I’m still a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. So with that, both of us have to believe that something good will come out of this. Someone passing is never easy, just remember that I died fighting for you, our family, our friends, and everyone else in this country.

The family is probably sitting there, tell everyone that I’m gonna miss them. I’m gonna miss our family dinners, parties, and just hanging out together. I only lived 27 years, but I’ve found that there is nothing more important than family. They are there through everything, and no matter how bad I screwed up, I could always count on the support and love of everyone in the family. Wow, I’m gonna miss everyone more than words can describe.

There is one boy that I’m gonna miss in specific. Logan, I love you. Buddy, I’m sorry that we didn’t get to spend as much time as we should have. Every time I was home, all I wanted to do was go in the backyard and play catch with you, and now that my time is up, I actually regret not spending more time with you. If I could do it over, every spare second I had would have been spent with you and your mother. I love you both so much, don’t ever forget that.

Baby, I don’t even want to think about us spending anytime apart, but there isn’t much of a choice now. I love you so much, and I miss you every second you’re not by my side. But through all of this, remember, one day we will be together again. In the mean time, I want you to live your life to the fullest, even if it means that you finish your life with someone else. It hurts me, but just remember this, I’m in a better place. I’ll always love, remember me and God are both watching over you.



  1. I like your creativity, in adding your ideas to the story, to make it feel more real to you! Never would I have thought of writing the letter that they had mentioned, nice job! A suggestion for next time would be for you to add some more inferences to Jekyll and Hyde, to make it a little more personal to them. Really awesome, keep up the good work!

  2. Love how you used a different creative way to show your idea! I definitely agree with Annika that you should add little hints of Jekyll and Hyde to make it relate to the book more. Can't wait to read the rest!
