Friday, February 3, 2012

Changes Are Impossible

Author’s Note: All of the talk about devils and Satan throughout the pages of Jekyll and Hyde sparked the thought of a situation I was in at one point. I was in a fight with someone, and during the entire time I sincerely thought they were a devil of some sort, so it triggered that memory.

I’ve never felt as naïve
As I do right in this moment.
I really thought people could change,
Turns out I was wrong.

Humans are incapable of change,
Some are masters of manipulation.

Pulling at people’s strings,
Making them do whatever,
Even making them believe whatever.

This kind of person is like a puppet show.
Some people believe what they see and hear,
But there are some people,
The smart ones,
That see behind the curtain,
Through all of the BS that is laid in front of them.

Someone can say and do the right things
Creating the façade of a new person
Yet at the end of the day
Everyone stays the same

I believed,
For a moment that is,
That someone could alter who they are.
Change the way they act and see things.

But it’s impossible.

Everyone is stuck the way they are,
There may be some improvements here and there,
But always the same overall product.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed your poem.IT was well written and showed the truth of evil within people. It was smoothley written and I enjoyed Reading it. I'm glad you took a different apporach than most people and created a poem!
